Safe Routes to School Plan
Walk n Roll maps are used to educate and encourage students and parents on available routes with focused bicycle and pedestrian enhancements. The Complete Streets Master Plan will create new Walk n Roll maps for each school that service the Los Altos community, including schools located in Mountain View and Cupertino. The new Walk n Roll Maps will also include recommended drop-off and pick-up routes to families that drive to school. Draft maps are now available for public comment.
New Safe Routes to School Improvement Maps will also be developed to identify immediate and long-term infrastructure changes to the streets and sidewalks near school campuses. The City plans to implement as many improvements as possible within five years of completion of the Complete Streets Master Plan. The School Improvement Maps are now available for comment.
You can provide comments by clicking on “Contact” or emailing:
Suggest Walk n’ Roll to School Maps (FINAL DRAFT)
- Almond Elementary
- Covington Elementary
- Gardner Bullis Elementary
- Loyola Elementary
- Oak Avenue Elementary
- Santa Rita Elementary
- Springer Elementary
- Blach Middle School
- Egan Junior High School
- Montclaire Elementary
- Stevens Creek Elementary
- West Valley Elementary
- Cupertino Middle School
- Kennedy Middle School
- Homestead High School
- Los Altos High School
- Monta Vista High School